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Nashville Country Bands auf

MEDIAFREEDOM MUSICFREEDOM Musikdatenbank Country Nashville

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The whole place burn

the whole place burn

when you re on this point of your life and you have to decide which road
if you gonna stay and be save or travel all alone
and you pack your bags, bottle up and go
take it easy take the next train and leave your heavy load

as long as you will travel as long as you will learn
the time will come you have to check out what you gonna earn
what will be the price for freedom, independence around the turn
you will leave again sometimes and let the whole place burn

when you stop and stay ´cause you feel memory´s almost full
you think you know ev´ry place you gonna go
ev´ry kind of people, their intensions and their tools
someone leave your place burning and you´re feeling like a fool

you sit down and think about being an elevator man
about the ups and downs in live, ´bout people leave and some come in
they come with you for a while, but you although have to go
other people in th esame rooms, another time another floor

(Sometimes you have to be mean, often you try to be kind
when you stay you l rock the place but take care about your live
keep your head up high and take a change from time to time
sometimes somebody else passes through it and leave it all behind
let the whole place burn, sometimes you have to do it )
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User:  tomcrady

Views 1511

MP3 ID: 2011

Some things you never see

Some things in the world sometimes happen
Somethings of them you never see
A big house big garden and big peace
You think luck will never leave

Theyre happy you see making big smiles
Family matters written on the gate
But on the doors inside you can read something
Else. Storys beyond love and hate

Some things in the world sometimes happen
Some things of them never´ll set free
Its written behind every picture on the wall
Of a big hugging family

The tears were dripping out of the pillow
The thruth was flushed away in the sink
In the morning the sun came up
And the day started again

Its hammered inside the walls of her room
And its carved inside the floor
It never will all be taken by the groom
But that what love is for

Some things in the world sometimes happen
Some things of them you never believe
The scars hard like steel were melting away
when he look into her eyes he see
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User:  tomcrady

Views 1343

MP3 ID: 2009

LAst days of peace

Last days of peace

All the things i see were not so pretty, yeah
All i feel ist he joy oft he past
You may feel the same if you listen close
An unworried mind because i didnt know
Is one thing of those things that i wish fort he
Last days of peace

Its a mean maschine, a big unstoppable gun
That shoot around to evrybody and no one
You may feel the same, if you listen close
A free walk through the fields
Is one thing of those things i wish for the
Last days of peace

The man sold everything, elements and the stars
For a bottle of souls and a sack full of broken hearts
You may feel the same, if you listen close
Something real to live for
is one thing of those things i wish for the
last days of peace
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User:  tomcrady

Views 1381

MP3 ID: 2008

ballad about the best affairs

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1230

MP3 ID: 1792

train leaving

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1180

MP3 ID: 1791

her final act

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1151

MP3 ID: 1790

ballad about love and theft

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1232

MP3 ID: 1789

ballad of a broken mind

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1013

MP3 ID: 1785

come on down with me

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1029

MP3 ID: 1775

the whole place burn

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User:  tomcrady

Views 1008

MP3 ID: 1774

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